Refereed Journal Papers
Dimitrios Tsapetis, Michael D. Shields, Dimitris G. Giovanis, Audrey Olivier, Lukas Novak, Promit Chakroborty, Himanshu Sharma, Mohit Chauhan, Katiana Kontolati, Lohit Vandanapu, Dimitrios Loukrezis, and M. Gardner. Uqpy v4.1: Uncertainty quantification with python. SoftwareX, 24:101561, 2023. [ DOI | http ]
Scott A Feehan, Scott W McCoy, Joel S Scheingross, and M.H. Gardner. Quantifying variability of incipient-motion thresholds in gravel-bedded rivers using a grain-scale force-balance model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, page e2023JF007162, 2023. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner. Toward a Complete Kinematic Description of Hydraulic Plucking of Fractured Rock. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2023. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner, E. Nichols, N. Stark, A. Lemnitzer, and D. Frost. Multispectral Imaging for Identification of High-Water Marks in Post-Disaster Flood Reconnaissance. ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 2023. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner and Nicholas Sitar. Modeling of Dynamic Rock--Fluid Interaction Using Coupled 3-D Discrete Element and Lattice Boltzmann Methods. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Invited paper, 2019. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner and Nicholas Sitar. Coupled three-dimensional discrete element-lattice Boltzmann methods for fluid-solid interaction with polyhedral particles. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2019. [ DOI | http ]
Fei Zheng, Yu-Yong Jiao, M. Gardner, and Nicholas Sitar. A fast direct search algorithm for contact detection of convex polygonal or polyhedral particles. Computers and Geotechnics, 87:76 -- 85, 2017. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner, John Kolb, and Nicholas Sitar. Parallel and scalable block system generation. Computers and Geotechnics, 89:168 -- 178, 2017. [ DOI | http ]
Refereed Conference Papers
M. Gardner, E. Nichols, N Stark, A. Lemnitzer, and Frost J.D. Identifying High-Water Marks in Post-Disaster Reconnaissance using Multispectral Imagery. In ASCE GeoCongress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February 25 - 28 (2024, accepted).
F. Falcone, N. Stark, M. Gardner, A. Lemnitzer, N. Brilli, R. Sarlo, J. Hubler, and Khosravi. M. Use of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery to Assess the Role of Sand and Gravel Shoals for Flood-Infrastructure Interaction in the Yellowstone River, Montana. In ASCE GeoCongress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February 25 - 28 (2024, accepted).
Nina Stark, Anne Lemnitzer, Kevin W. Franke, M. Gardner, Jonathan Hubler, Bret Lingwall, Elliot Nichols, Brandon Quinn, Calvin Thom, Kaleb Markert, and Daniel Harman. The role of gravel shoals on scour and erosion in the Yellowstone River during the 2022 flood event - initial observations. In 11th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 11), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 17 - 21 (2023).
A. Lemnitzer, N. Stark, M. Gardner, E Nichols, J. Mueller, and N. Brilli. Geotechnical and Geo-environmental damage and its impact on critical infrastructure during the 2021 Western European Floods. In 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Chania, Crete, June 23 - 27 (2023).
E. Nichols, A Lemnitzer, N. Stark, M. Gardner, and J. Mueller. Impact of 2021 Western European Flooding on Geo-Structures. In 9th ASCE Forensic Engineering Congress, Denver, CO, November 4 - 9 (2022).
Anne Lemnitzer, Nina Stark, Jeremias Mueller, Elliot Nichols, M. Gardner, George Anoyatis, Holger Schuettrumpf, , Juergen Stamm, Michael George, Margreet van Marle, Antonis Mavritsakis, Laurens Leunge, and Kees van Ginkel. Initial geo-structural performance observations of critical infrastructure components during the 2021 Western European Floods. In ICONHIC, Athens, Greece, July 5 - 7 (2022).
M. Gardner. Modeling the Mechanics of Rock Scour in Unlined Dam Spillways. In ASCE GeoCongress, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, March 20 - 23 (2022).
M. Gardner and N. Sitar. Modeling Rock Scour Using Coupled 3D Discrete Element and Lattice Boltzmann Methods. In ASCE International Conference on Scour (ICSE10), Virtual, October 18 - 21 (2021).
M. Gardner and Nicholas Sitar. Modeling of Rock Scour using Coupled 3-D Discrete Element and Lattice Boltzmann Methods. In Proceedings of the 52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, 2018. American Rock Mechanics Association.
Technical Reports
Anne Lemnitzer and Kevin Franke. Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 2022 Southern Montana/Yellowstone Floods. techreport, Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association, 2022. (Contributing Author). [ DOI | http ]
Anne Lemnitzer and Nina Stark. Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 2021 Western European Floods. techreport, Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association, 2022. (Contributing Author). [ DOI ]
Gregory G. Deierlein and eds. Adam Zsarnóczay. State of the Art in Computational Simulation for Natural Hazards Engineering. Technical report, February 2021. (Corresponding Author in Chapters 3 & 5). [ DOI | http ]
Gregory G. Deierlein and Adam Zsarnóczay. State-of-Art in Computational Simulation for Natural Hazards Engineering. Technical report, February 2019. (Contributing Author in Sections 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4). [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner and Nicholas Sitar. Coupled 3-D DEM-LBM Model for Simulation of Dynamic Rock-Fluid Interaction. Technical report, University of California, Berkeley, 2018. DOI: [ DOI ]
Jonathan Bray, Julien Cohen-Waeber, Tim Dawson, Tadahiro Kishida, and Nicholas Sitar. Geotechnical Engineering Reconnaissance of the August 24, 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake. techreport, Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association, 2014. (Contributing Author in Sections 5 & 6).
Published Software
Frank McKenna, Sang ri Yi, Aakash Bangalore Satish, Adam Zsarnoczay, Michael Gardner, nickberkeley, M. Gardner, and Wael Elhaddad. Nheri-simcenter/quofem: Version 3.4.0, October 2023. This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and CMMI 2131111. [ DOI | http ]
Frank McKenna, Abiy Melaku, Fei Ding, Jiawei Wan, Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein, Wael Elhaddad, and M. Gardner. Nheri-simcenter/we-uq: Version 3.1.0, October 2023. This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and CMMI 2131111. [ DOI | http ]
Adam Zsarnoczay, Frank McKenna, Charles Wang, Wael Elhaddad, claudioperez, Stevan Gavrilovic, M. Gardner, Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein, and Noam-Elisha. Nheri-simcenter/pbe: Version 3.2.0, October 2023. [ DOI | http ]
Frank McKenna, Kuanshi Zhong, M. Gardner, Adam Zsarnoczay, Sang ri Yi, Aakash Bangalore Satish, Charles Wang, and Wael Elhaddad. Nheri-simcenter/ee-uq: Version 3.4.0, October 2023. This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and CMMI 2131111. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner. NHERI-SimCenter smelt (Stochastic, Modular, and Extensible Library for Time histories), May 2019. [ DOI | http ]
Frank McKenna, Nikhil Padhye, Charles Wang, Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein, and M. Gardner. NHERI SimCenter Uncertainty Quantifcation for the Finite Element Method (uqFEM) Application, October 2018. [ DOI | http ]
Barbara Simpson, Frank McKenna, and M. Gardner. NHERI-SimCenter Braced Frame Modeling (BFM) Application, September 2018. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner, John Kolb, and Nicholas Sitar. SparkRocks, November 2016. [ DOI | http ]
Data Sets
M. Gardner, Nina Stark, Anne Lemnitzer, Elliot Nichols, Nick Brilli, Michael Grilliot, Jaqueline Zdebski, Karen Dedinsky, and Jeremias Imanuel Mueller. Geotechnical and geoenvironmental properties of the ahr river, germany, after the 2021 western european flood, 2023. [ DOI | http ]
Anne Lemnitzer, Kevin Franke, M. Gardner, Daniel Harman, Jonathan Hubler, Amber Kunz, Bret Lingwall, Kaleb Markert, Elliot Nichols, Brandon Quinn, Nina Stark, and Calvin Tohm. Geotechnical reconnaissance of the 2022 southern montana/ yellowstone floods, 2023. [ DOI | http ]
Nina Stark, Anne Lemnitzer, M. Gardner, Elliot Nichols, Jeremias Imanuel Mueller, Michael George, Juergen Stamm, Holger Schuettrumpf, Margreet van Marle, Kees van Ginkel, Laurens Leunge, George Anoyatis, Stijn Francois, and Hadrien Rattez. Geotechnical and geo-structural reconnaissance of the western european flood july 2021, 2022. [ DOI | http ]
M. Gardner. Development of a Coupled 3-D DEM-LBM Model for Simulation of Dynamic Rock-Fluid Interaction. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 2018.